Thursday, February 7, 2019

Stress Reduction - Music is the Best Medicine Essay -- Research Essays

Stress Reduction - Music is the beat MedicineStress is something that I never really came across until college. In high school nothing really mattered to me, I was a real happy go lucky vehemence free child. I turn over I really took high school for granted though, I entert speculate I took the time to sit down and think about my responsibilities and how they may affect my future. Instead I spent most(prenominal) of my time going out with friends after school and not flood tide home until late. My weekends were spent mostly drinking and sleeping. I guess I never had time for stress. I was always to busy having fun organism a kid. As senior year came along I started go out my current girlfriend. She, unlike I, was very studious, had good grades, and was not much of a, ships company on the weekends, type of girl. I began to take plenty recreate in her and we started hanging out a lot, almost to the point where Id rarely ever see my friends. I began taking a lot mor e interest in my school work and all the same ran for student council. As senior year went on I order my self getting much better grades than I had in the past, and I was starting to feel better about myself. I rarely drank on the weekends anymore and usually stayed in on school nights to do my homework. I also started to feel overwhelmed. It was a weird feeling like no(prenominal) other I felt before. This feeling was indeed stress. I started college in august of 2001. Ever since my first week here at IUP Ive always felt stress I cant record a time I havent. Living in the hallway was stressful enough not including classes, but it was also what gave me my chance to wasting disease my medicine, melody. I found that every time I was hard-pressed I could go to my computer and download a few songs, it was great. I pl... ...u can conclude that your hypothesis does in fact exist.College kids use music as an escape from reality because it makes them feel happy while in t imes of great physical and emotional stress. Thats definitely what I found out. I utilise the survey, interview and personal experience to financial aid me prove this. Now, this is not to say that other things could not have been done. I could of used a experiment or a case story as well, which may have deemed different results. Of course my subjects were very moderate being 10 but I also could have used larger amount of people. Maybe what I need to do instantaneously is research one of the facts I learned in order to peg down my thesis. The possibilities are endless its all a matter of how concerned I am in the subject to prove better, more finished results, and also be able to see who else is prescribed to my musical stress medicine.

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