Saturday, March 23, 2019

Meg Bogins The Women Troubadours Essay -- Meg Bogin Women Troubadours

Meg Bogins The Women TroubadoursWhat is Bieiris de Romans verbaliser seeking from the woman, female horse, closely whom Bieiris writes? to a greater extent generally, what are womanly troubadours as a whole seeking from their loves, and their swop? Meg Bogin, in her The Women Troubadours, asserts that their songs were addressed to women to whom they vowed eternal homage and obedience. In turn for their prostration, the troubadours expected to be ennobled, enriched, or simply made better (Bogin, 9). Is the song of female troubadours less close to the women being addressed and more about the troubadours themselves? By performing a close textual analysis of Bieiris de Romans poem to Maria, I hope to elucidate some possible answers to these questions. The poem opens with Bieiris speaker addressing her subject as Lady Maria. Rather than merely employing the womans first name, or utilizing a possessive phrase such as my love or my Maria, the speaker addresses her as lad y. This implies a certain conferral of respect upon her subject, and is potentially also a means to convey an collar on the speakers part that this Maria has not that consented to be hers. Next, the speaker proceeds to enumerate copious qualities that she finds pleasing in Maria. She begins by praising Marias merit and differentiation. By distinction we can safely assume that the speaker refers to a pleasing spirit that Maria has cultivated within society, and possibly also the speakers own opinion that Maria is able to be distinguished as superior to other women. The term merit, however, is relatively ambiguous. By merit, the speaker could be indicating one or many qualities, including, but not limited to, virtue, achievement, a... ...g female companion, who will comply with her wishes and desires. hence, Maria, judging from the qualities attributed to her in the poem, seems a perfect designate for Bieiris speakers affections. Bieiris also appears to have created a speaker who is more concerned with being given the ability to express her desires than with the woman about whom those desires are expressed. Maria seems to be utilized as somewhat of a passive vessel about whom Bieiris can write and express herself in a literary fashion. The desire that Bieiris succeeds in expressing, then, is less one for Maria in particular and more one for composing lyric song in general. As a troubadour, Bieiris most likely avidly seeks patronage. Thus Maria is less of a goal to achieve and more a means to a different end composing poetry for the involvement of procuring a reputation, and obtaining financial gain.

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