Friday, March 15, 2019

Nietzsche Essay -- Evolution Religion Creationism Science Essays

Nietzsche In 1859 Charles Darwin offered a possibility that seemed to disprove the longstanding write up of the origin of existence. Darwins surmise of evolution proposes a convincing occupation that the universe was non created for a purpose, with intention, by a conscious God, alone rather, was a phenomenon of random change. Friedrich Nietzsche articulated the gravity of the effect of Darwins theory on society. He said that when Darwin published the theory of evolution pot stopped believing in God. Nietzsche wrote that when people stopped believing in God, God died. Nietzsches assertion pivots on the assumption that Gods existence depends solely on human belief. Nietzsche assumes that belief is the greatest source that humans possess, but that this belief could not stand strong against the theory of evolution.Many people believe that in order for life to be worth living, there must be an overarching purpose to existence, and thus, according to Nietzsche, descriptor illusion s for the sake of comfort. By believing in a morality, God, or other(a) higher cause, people get to live their dream that there is supreme justification for everything. This serves to allow the imposition of an illusion so that one does not have to view the truth of the universe. One of these truths that Nietzsche proposes people deny is the stopping point of God. Nietzsches statement that God is dead is intended to think of that there is a more accurate manner of existing straight than following traditiona...

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