Sunday, March 17, 2019

thelma and louise film review :: essays research papers

AGAINST handsS WORLDThe film starts with the scenes of daily lifes of two wowork force. Thelma is married to a man who thinks that he is the centre of the world because he is a coach of a carpet. company. He sees his wife as a lower gear up of life, to be tolerated so long as she keeps her household duties straight. Just the likes of a servant who doesnt have any rights or freedom. Louise waits tables in a coffee shop and her boyfriend is a musician who is neer going to be ready to settle down. They live under senior high patriarchal domination.They see themselves very ordinary and want to go look for alone. But that means that they are crossing the lines of their sexual contributions in the community. Thelma discountt even tell her husband that she is going on spend. Because her role in her husbands eyes is the housewife. If she goes on a vacation with a friend she will be simply considered as a whore.The film continues with the bar scene. We saw the feminist After some d iscombobulate thelma ends up with, as such flirtations sometimes tragically do, an attempted rape in the parking lot. Louise kills the man with her gun and they start to run remote because they think that cant expect fair treatment from the condemnable justice system, since Thelma had been flirting and dancing with the guy all evening. They know that some everyone would say that what happened to her is her own fault.The hitchiker appears in the scene as a enceinte man who stirs up thelmas libido for the first time. She never had a apt sexual relationship with her husband and she has sexual intercourse only to action her duty to please her husband.The policeman takes place who has an empathy with that women. He knows that they dig mint and bury themselves in it and he wants to prevent it.As things go worse the women have enormous changes, they are fightilng only with the law but too with the laws of the nature. They discover the strenght and their abilities to run their own lives, to take a stand against the mens world.

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