Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pinterest for authors a step-by-step guide

Pinterest for authors a step-by-step guide Pinterest for authors: a step-by-step guide Pinterest is the social media site that has every wannabe chef and bride-to-be totally hooked. It allows users to â€Å"pin their interests† to create virtual scrapbooks filled with hundreds of inspirational images: recipes, vacation destinations, home decor, wedding details, etc. With about 70 million users, the idea behind the platform is to enhance the ingenuity in everyday life through organized interests. To the uninitiated, it might seem like users end up spending hours getting sucked into the different categories and even creating boards for â€Å"what they’ll do when they stop pinning†. But what use is Pinterest for authors?Pinterest gives your eyes a vacation from day-to-day tasks. So why exactly has the rapid growth pressured the publishing world- especially self-publishing authors- to join? Well, with the rise in the platform's popularity, Pinterest is increasingly becoming a place authors turn to not only for genuine inspiration, but to sell books, to o. Here's a good video by Kim Chance on how to build an author platform on Pinterest: But how do you encourage the pinners to become book buyers? Don’t worry, Reedsy has got you covered with a cool infographic, and more advice below!Group boards: The thing with group boards is that you need to be invited and each has different rules to joining the club. Whether it’s shooting the creator an email or simply commenting ‘add me’ on one of their pins, once you’re accepted into the virtual club it instantly maximizes the number of impressions, repins, and clicks you receive because your content will be reaching a much larger audience than just your followers. Go and join one!Pinning on-the-goDon’t have time to sit at a computer and pin all day long? No one does and that’s why there are apps for that. You can use the Pinterest app for your smartphone or line pins on the Buffer application to post automatically. Buffer makes it super easy to share any page you've read or written by queuing it for posting at a later time.The bigg est challenge: hosting a contestHosting a Pinterest contest is like hosting your first party: you want people to show up. But on the whole, Pinterest users are fairly quiet creatures. They’re utilizing the platform to express their interests through images and pinned websites, not necessarily to ‘talk’ with other pinners. Pinterest is great for sharing what inspires you, but it’s even better when you can win things... Once you’ve managed to build a loyal and engaged following through your original content, it’s time to have some fun with your fellow pinners and start a contest! irst and foremost, follow the rules. The Pinterest guidelines are better for both contest hosts and entrants because there’s a ‘no spam’ policy.When it comes to actually creating a contest, it’s important to know your audience and make it feasible to enter. Remember to value quality over quantity and identify what exactly you’re giving away.The easiest contest is the ‘pin it to win it’ contest. You could ask participants to pin their favorite place to read or just a place that gives them inspiration with the use of a clever hashtag on each pin. As the author, you can search the hashtag and pin your favorite images to one of your boards and eventually pin the winners. The prize is up to you!Follow Reedsy on Pinterest and Twitter!Do you use Pinterest as an author? Have you had any success from it? What tips would you add to the ones above? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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